Evaluation of Different Weed Management Practices in Machine Transplanted Rice Cultivation
Rice Varities Suitable for Machine Transplanting in Rajanganaya
Herbicides for rice cultivation under limited irrigation
Integrated weed rice management package; farmers’field validation in Polonnaruwa districts, Sri Lanka
Can herbicide usage be minimized in future through weed competitive rice
Assessment of Environmental Impact of selected herbicides used in rice farming in Sri Lanka
Weed management practices in machine transplanted cultivation
Diversity and correlation among agronomic traits in newly improved rice varieties under driling and random broadcasting
Variability in matuarity duration and yield of some popular rice varities over climatic zone,season and location
Evaluation of rice lines for drought tolerance during reprodutive and grain fillings stages
Variation in morpho-physio traits of selected rice(Oryza staiva L.)Germplasm in response to water stress during vegitative stage
Canopy Temparature And Pollen Fertility Of Rice
Analysis of advice quality in crop clinics on rice problems in Sri Lanka
Effect of compost tea and plant extracts on Sheat Blight and Blast diseases of Rice(Oryza Sativa)
Isolation and characterization of rhizosphere bacteria and fungi from two rice varieties, Bg 352(V2) and Bg310(V4), under different fertilizer applicati
Molecular Marker Validation for Bacterial Leaf Blight resistant Genes Xa21 and Xa4 in Ld99-12-38IRBB 60 Genetic Background
An improvement of BLB resistance in Ld99-12-38 by marker assisted back-cross breeding(MABB)